Month: April 2020


Latin America Under Threat of Cybercrime Amid Coronavirus

Online scams, ransomware attacks and phishing email schemes have proliferated in Latin America amid the coronavirus pandemic, exposing the dangers hackers pose to...


Protected Sex Without It Making You Miserable

Why Can’t More Women Have Protected Sex Without It Making Them Miserable? We need more female-friendly birth control options and here’s why...


Green Card Veterans – Deported and Forgotten

In the Mexican border town of Tijuana, Edwin Salgado sat on a folding chair cracking jokes with fellow U.S. military veterans on a...


Paloma Mami Confined by Heartache

Lonely and sassy, Paloma Mami videos are timely escapes we can relate to at this moment. The game warscape tragedy of No Te...


The COVID Blues: What You Need to Know About Depression

It's perfectly normal to feel sad every now and then. But what if that sadness seems to extend for days, or even weeks...