
Your go-to source for the latest events and news from around the world.


Latin America Under Threat of Cybercrime Amid Coronavirus

Online scams, ransomware attacks and phishing email schemes have proliferated in Latin America amid the coronavirus pandemic, exposing the dangers hackers pose to...


Confronting COVID-19 in Mexico

It has now been more than 100 years since the “Spanish Influenza,” and more than a decade since the H1N1 outbreak. With nearly...


Nicolás Maduro’s Drug Trafficking Exploits Exposed

US prosecutors have charged Venezuelan President Nicolás Maduro and his closest allies with drug trafficking and corruption, cementing the embattled nation’s reputation as...


Mexico Land of Refugees

In March of last year, Alba Luz Maldonado Paz left her Honduras town in search of a better life. The 36-year-old woman said...


Females Lead As Political Innovators in Latin America

Bogotá is a portentous and unruly city, a beast of numerous maverick heads slumping in the core of Colombia, serving as the country’s...


Women in Argentina March for Economic Security and Rights

Thousands of women march in Buenos Aires, calling for economic security and access to abortion. When Cecilia Palmeiro began organizing "Ni Una Menos"...


Why Is Teen Pregnancy Rising in Latin America?

In July of 2017, the U.S. Department of Health and Human Services (HHS) began notifying recipients of federal sexual education funding through the...


Graffiti Death Threats

Graffiti is Venezuela’s New Tool of Fear. The recent appearance of threatening graffiti targeting political, social and student leaders in Venezuela is a...


¿La Industria Textil Mexicana Puede ser Sustentable?

¿La industria textil mexicana puede ser sustentable? Hay iniciativas que buscan demostrar que es posible. Es probable que no lo sepas, pero renovar...