Hailing from native New York neighborhoods, the South Bronx and Washington Heights, Phil Colon and Rafael Jimenez share deep roots in the heart...
By Phil ColonOctober 10, 2023Jasson Dominguez’s Journey of Hope and Determination In the heart of the Bronx, where dreams are woven into the very fabric of the...
By Phil ColonAugust 31, 2023In the Mexican border town of Tijuana, Edwin Salgado sat on a folding chair cracking jokes with fellow U.S. military veterans on a...
By Vicki AdameApril 19, 2020It’s been several months since Hurricane Maria had devastated the island of Puerto Rico. While some parts of La Isla have recovered, the...
By Serena KimSeptember 11, 2018I come from a long line of Mexican machos, mustachioed and hard-working, brutal and generous, hilarious and cruel. Gun-toting, farm-laboring, factory-working, tequila and...
By Richard Villegas Jr.July 12, 2018Self-taught, Cuban-born artist Llane Alexis hand-stitches textile remnants to make whimsical and politically charged works of art. I’m a self-taught artist, born and...
By Serena KimJune 12, 2018