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Archive 3 Columns

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Gabriella Sanchez. Courtesy of the artist and Charlie James Gallery. Photo: Michael Underwood

Gabriella Sanchez: All Worlds Are Art Worlds

The clues are there for those who might recognize them—the references to cultural symbols, the nods to Latinx fashion. Gabriella Sanchez peppers her...


Mexico City’s Art Scene is Moving Culture

We landed in Mexico City later than we expected. Two of the three of us were home and eager to get into our...


Mexico Land of Refugees

In March of last year, Alba Luz Maldonado Paz left her Honduras town in search of a better life. The 36-year-old woman said...


Toca Plays The Tracks, You Pick The Groove

D.J. Tony Touch has been a very busy man with multiple engagements on the Gram and Zoom. Inteligencia spoke with him over the...

Photo credit: Flickr

A $52 Gentrification Tour Gets Shut Down in Chicago

A resident of Pilsen for 14 years, Rosa Esquivel was concerned when she read Chicago Detours’ proposal. Esquivel is the board secretary for...

Brazilian Death Squads
AP Photo / Felipe Dana

Riding With Ghosts: Author Chris Feliciano Arnold Explores Brazil’s Death Squads

In The Third Bank of the River: Power and Survival in the Twenty-First-Century Amazon, author Chris Feliciano Arnold chronicles the battle for human rights...


America The Land of the Free?

As Donald Trump just celebrated a military style July Forth holiday filled with war tanks and missile launchers, his administration is back to...

Photos by Angelica Liv

Recorriendo latinoamérica a través de sus fanzines

Los fanzines retratan el panorama social, afectivo, político y cultural de quien lo escribe, corta, dibuja e imprime. Cuando me invitó Inteligencia a...

Hurricane Maria

Pain by Numbers: A Year After Hurricane Maria

It’s been several months since Hurricane Maria had devastated the island of Puerto Rico. While some parts of La Isla have recovered, the...